Internationale documentaire: The Girls of Favela Street
Reis mee met Rocky naar Brazilië, Nederland en Curaçao om het werk van Favela Street te zien. te bekijken op FIFA plus.
‘ESPN Bondgenoten’: voorvechters voor een nieuwe voetbalwereld
‘ESPN Bondgenoten’ is een driedelige serie die voorvechters portretteert die zich inzetten voor een meer inclusieve voetbalwereld.
RTL Late Night
The queen of street football, Roxanne ‘Rocky’ Hehakaija, exchanged Amsterdam for the slums of Rio de Janeiro, to help the girls in the Favelas build a brighter future. Having spent three months there Rocky knows better than anyone what our Orange Squad could expect along the Copacabana. “It’s a great feeling to be able to give these kids a pair of proper football shoes that they could have only dreamed of.”
Tijd voor Max
Our guest is Rocky Hehakaija, one of the pioneers of the street football movement and one of the playable characters in the new street football version of FIFA20. This makes her the very first female street footballer in the FIFA game.
NOS Jeugdjournaal (Youth news)
Rocky Hehakaija from Amsterdam is one of the characters in the new street football version of the popular game FIFA20. What makes it so impressive is that Rocky is the very first female street football player in the game. She talks about it during this Dutch Youth News segment.
AD – Fit with Arie Boomsma
Street football player Rocky is fully committed to helping vulnerable youths. In our third episode Arie visits Rocky (Roxanne) Hehakaija, football player and first female street footballer in the FIFA videogame. Rocky was already the first female member of the world-famous street football team the Street Legends.
New Life Podcast – with Anatol
#013 – FIFA20 Rocky Hehakaija plays professional street football all over the world.
VPRO – Naakt op een Kleedje SO1EO4
In this episode Heske ten Cate and Yuki Kho talk to Rocky Hehakaija about Dana Lixenberg’s Imperial Courts.
Harper’s Bazaar
Sisterhood is a word that is often tossed around, but what does it really mean? What can we do to help other women move forward? Six highly involved women, including Rocky, explain what Sisterhood means to them.
“I love it when people know how to appreciate the simple things in life.”
Fighting to make the world a better place doesn’t come easy. Five extraordinary people improving the world talk about their goals and how they plan to reach them. “I don’t want to let my voice be heard; I must let my voice be heard.”
“As long as I have a football, I’m able to connect with people, whether I speak their language or not. My football is my Google Translate.”
JAN magazine
LHer life story revolves around the ball – it’s made people see me for who I really am. A knee injury ended her professional football career and complicated her relationship with football, however – it ain’t over till it’s over, as movie hero and namesake Rocky famously said.
Nowadays Roxanne ‘Rocky’ Hehakaija (35) dedicates her life to helping underprivileged children in the favelas of Rio and is continuously keeping the ball rolling towards a brighter future.