Whether it’s a packed-out stadium or a small team: I always find a way to connect with your audience.
I engage crowds with genuine stories full of humour and interaction, combined with my extensive knowledge through years of experience working with young people and my background in business as well as the professional sports industry. Together with your input I customise each presentation, workshop, or webinar session for maximum effectiveness.
How do you deal with hardship or sudden setbacks in your life? Acknowledging and overcoming these obstacles can result in new opportunities and possibilities in your life.
The journey to success isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon. How do you keep your co-workers, pupils or students involved and motivated? Learn more about how motivation works and how you can stimulate and channel it.
Why is having a positive mindset so important, and how do you inspire optimism in yourself and the people around you? Using the ‘growth mindset’ and sharing practical tools I demonstrate that you are capable of achieving much more than you think – as long as you are willing and able to push yourself.
How can you harness the power of sports to promote social change? Learn how to use sports as a means to inspire and make a positive impact on yourself and others.
How do you motivate young people to actualise their full potential? Using the science-based methodology of Favela Street I teach.
How to anticipate cultural changes within impact measurement of development programs? ? I’ll show you how to properly and effectively measure the sustainable impact of your program and help evaluate who or what to prioritize in a way that is favourable for both your participants as well as your organisation.
Verschillende presentaties op het gebied van ontwikkeling van vrouwenvoetbal, hoe je voetbal inzet om een sociale verandering teweeg te brengen en de invloed van straatvoetbal op jongerencultuur.
- Vrouwenvoetbal, sociaal ondernemerschap en straatvoetbal.
- 4 teams van 50 mensen.
- 1,5 uur.
- Inspiratie voor teams en bruikbare inzichten op het gebied van vrouwenvoetbal, sociale impact en straatvoetbal voor interne communicatie en campagnes.
Versterken van onderlinge verbinding in teams.
- Teambuilding, durf je collega te zien.
- 6 teams van 20.
- 1 uur.
- Een betere onderlinge verbinding met meer begrip voor elkaars verschillen en focus op elkaars overeenkomsten. Betere sfeer binnen de teams.
Presentatie over impact sociaal ondernemen op internationaal niveau.
- Sociaal ondernemen met sport en hoe deze impact te meten.
- 100 vrouwen (ambassadeurs Min. Buitenlandse Zaken en vrouwen in de media).
- 30 min.
- Publiek geïnspireerd op het gebied van sociaal ondernemen, de impact van sociale verandering door middel van sport en hoe de impact te meten.
Inspiratie sessie op het gebied van jongerenwerk, hoe krijg je jongeren in beweging.
- Motivatie, verandering positieve mindset bij jezelf en jongeren, zelfregulatie en methodiek Favela Street.
- 250 mensen.
- 1,5 uur.
- Jongerenwerkers en management team van DOCK praktische handvatten en tools geven op het gebied van jongerenwerk.
“You’re capable of so much more than you think, on an individual level and especially as a team. Through her humorous and witty presentations Rocky was able to connect with and motivate our employees to strive to achieve their goals.”
ICS Creditcard
“Rocky worked on team-building with several different teams at ICS Creditcard. During a session with my team, she succeeded in making a huge breakthrough. In all my years as a team manager I have never seen my team like this – everyone was brimming with positive energy and having a great time working together – and we still benefit from that in the workplace today. Thank you Rocky!”
“We at VISA are fully committed to women’s football. To inspire our communication and marketing staff we invited Rocky to come in for an interactive presentation about her life as an ex-professional athlete in women’s football and how she manages to make a difference in the world through sport. Thank you for all the inspiration and knowledge.”
“For various teams at Nike Rocky is a regular and beloved guest – from finance to football marketing, community impact, and so on. She frequently gives lectures, hosts events, and works as a consultant on various projects. Her unique profile makes her an invaluable partner in our line of work.”
“Whether we ask Rocky on as a podcast host, presenter at an event, or motivational speaker, we can always count on her professional attitude and great results. She’s able to forge a meaningful connection with professional athletes as well as audiences – young and old. We especially value her authenticity and passion for the game.”
Eredivisie Voetbalclub AZ
“We would like to thank Rocky a great deal for her warm and compassionate contribution to our Christmas brunch, it left us speechless. She has such a strong personality and always stays true to herself; this is what makes her so great. During her presentation you could’ve heard a pin drop as she had everybody’s complete and undivided attention.”
“Rocky is the regular host and motivational speaker at our ‘Stay Fit’ days. She gets all our Stay Fit participants in shape and motivates them to carry on with their important work. The energy Rocky brings with her is outstanding and contagious, which is why we’re always stoked to have her back.”
Bernardius College
“We’re delighted with Rocky’s presentation. A room filled with 150 boisterous high school kids was no issue for her as she got them to be quiet and pay attention to what she had to say. She dazzled them with her personal anecdotes and laid-back approach. She is a role model for us as well as for those kids.”
Gemeente Den Haag
“Rocky is billed as ‘Power Woman’, and it could not be truer. She was one of the speakers for 250 professionals and students present during an inspirational evening at the Brede Buurtschool in Theatre Diligentia in The Hague. What an incredibly inspiring story and with such great energy! Thank you so much for your contribution, Rocky!”
Taalcentrum Amersfoort
“Rocky gave a lecture about student motivation to 250 teachers from ISK (international transition class for newcomers between 12-18 years). During the lecture she spoke about her own experiences in a way that shaped a connection with the audience and got them thinking about their own expectations towards the students. It was a wonderfully inspiring lecture filled with energy. Highly recommended!”
Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum
“Rocky Hehakaija gave a fascinating interactive presentation during the professorial dinner of the women’s association Vitaal. Through her approach, all the participants got actively involved and everyone was blown away by her captivating story and enthusiasm. We highly recommend it!”
“Rocky Hehakaija talked to us about her projects and vision in an incredibly inspiring manner. By the end of her presentation all the social workers and youth workers were bounding out of the room full of energy and new ideas. Exactly what we had hoped for!”
Team Vier BV
“For our staff outing we asked Rocky to inspire our team. She did not disappoint! With her remarkable story, interaction, humour, assertiveness and approachability she coaxed us out of our comfort zones and challenged us to look at things through a different lens. We naturally topped it off by playing some football together. All our colleagues were super enthusiastic and felt fully energized afterwards.”
Stichting Interculturele Vrouwencentrum Enschede
“During our festival on International Women’s Day in Enschede Rocky inspired us with her enthusiasm and self-confidence – it was an electrifying experience! Everyone in the room became invigorated by her presence and presentation, and everyone went home feeling content and energized. The next day I was approached by several women who said they woke up feeling blessed and inspired thanks to Rocky. In short, a wonderful contribution to your event whether it’s for men, women, or young people.”
Een lezing, waarbij Rocky vanuit haar eigen verhaal verbinding maakt met haar publiek en hen liet nadenken over hun eigen verwachtingen naar zichzelf en naar de leerling. Het was een heel inspirerende lezing vol energie!
Echt een aanrader.
Taalcentrum Amersfoort:
Team Vier BV:
ICS Creditcard:
Bernardius College:
Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum:
Stichting Interculturele Vrouwencentrum Enschede:
Eredivisie Voetbalclub AZ:
Gemeente Den Haag:
Topics waarover ik kan spreken
- Hoe ga je om met tegenslag of plotselinge verandering? Ontdek dat obstakels in je leven juist voor kansen en mogelijkheden kunnen zorgen.
- Succes is een marathon, geen sprint. Hoe motiveer je medewerkers, leerlingen of studenten? Leer meer over de werking van motivatie en hoe je hier invloed op kunt uitoefenen.
- Waarom is een positieve mindset belangrijk en hoe zet je deze in voor jezelf en een ander? Op basis van de ‘groeimindset’ en praktijkvoorbeelden laat ik zien dat je altijd meer kunt dan jezelf denkt, als je het durft en echt wilt.
- Hoe kun je de kracht van sport gebruiken om sociale verandering teweeg te brengen? Raak geïnspireerd over sport als middel om positieve impact te maken.
- Hoe krijg je jongeren in beweging om het beste uit zichzelf te halen? Aan de hand van de wetenschappelijk onderbouwde methodiek van Favela Street geef ik praktische tools om jezelf en de mensen met wie je werkt te motiveren.
- Hoe kun je inspelen op de cultuurverandering binnen impactmeting in ontwikkelingssamenwerking? Ik laat zien hoe je oprecht en effectief de impact van jouw programma meet, wie of wat hierin prioriteit moet hebben, op een manier die nuttig is voor zowel de deelnemers als jouw organisatie.